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Bad Design Creates Terrible Experience At Great Restaurant

Multiple paths to the same destination can seem user-friendly but, more often that not, it complicates decision making and necessitates more questions.
  Multiple paths to the same destination can seem user-friendly but, more often that not, it complicates decision making and necessitates more questions.   This is a…

Better Drag & Drop Sorting For FileMaker

Charles Delfs, who specializes in solving problems other FileMaker developers can't, has introduced the best version of FileMaker drag & drop sorting yet.
  Charles Delfs, who specializes in solving problems other FileMaker developers can't, has introduced the best version of FileMaker drag & drop sorting yet.   FileMaker is…

Discoverability: If It Isn't Found It Isn't There

In design, discoverability, refers to users' ability to find key information. If something isn't discoverable, it might as well not even be there.
  In design, discoverability, refers to users' ability to find key information. If something isn't discoverable, it might as well not even be there.   The restrooms at the…

Interface Design For Restrooms

The basics of good interface design apply even to restroom design, and a poor interface leads to a confusing and frustrating user experience.
  The basics of good interface design apply even to restroom design, and a poor interface leads to a confusing and frustrating user experience.   This new and mostly…

Multiple Paths to the Same Place

Providing and explaining two different ways of getting from one place to another place might seem helpful but can also be confusing and counterproductive.
  Providing and explaining two different ways of getting from one place to another place might seem helpful but can also be confusing and counterproductive.   These…