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Accreditations, Certifications & Designations For Florists

There are many different accreditations, certifications and designations a florist can receive and use after their name. A new guide explains all of them.
  There are many different accreditations, certifications and designations a florist can receive and use after their name. A new guide explains all of them.   If you work…

Lubriderm Is Boring, The People Who Use It Aren't

This great Lubriderm campaign creates authority by admitting to a negative, and florists might be able to learn something from it.
  This great Lubriderm campaign creates authority by admitting to a negative, and florists might be able to learn something from it.   If a product makes too many claims…

Retail Florists Alliance

The Retail Florists Alliance is a new regional organization for florists in the Northeast. What about options for florists in other areas?
  The Retail Florists Alliance is a new regional organization for florists in the Northeast. What about options for florists in other areas?   The Retail Florists Alliance…

When "Free" Enters The Conversation Reason Exits The Room

The misleading promise of a "free" floral website can trick florists into choosing the most expensive possible e-commerce option for their flower store.
  The misleading promise of a "free" floral website can trick florists into choosing the most expensive possible e-commerce option for their flower store.   Lately some…

New Solution To An Old Problem With Online Flower Sales

Addressing an ongoing problem in online flower sales – the disparity between arrangements designed to look good on camera vs. looking good in real life.
  Addressing an ongoing problem in online flower sales – the disparity between arrangements designed to look good on camera vs. looking good in real life.   Addressing an…

Websites For Florists: The Best Never Rest

True professionals, truly focussed on how their ecommerce websites perform... they were all at the 2016 SAF Annual Convention, learning and evolving.
  True professionals, truly focussed on how their ecommerce websites perform... they were all at the 2016 SAF Annual Convention, learning and evolving.   The field of…

New FloristWare Website Goes Live

After a protracted period of development the new website for the FloristWare POS system is now online.
  After a protracted period of development the new website for the FloristWare POS system is now online.   The new website is built on the Concrete5, an open source content…

The Value Of Listening To The Expertise That You Pay For

Whether you are a bride hiring a florist or a florist hiring a website developer you are paying for their expertise. It pays to listen to it.
  Whether you are a bride hiring a florist or a florist hiring a web developer to build a new flower shop website you are paying for their expertise. It pays to listen to it.…

Florists Deserve Websites Designed For The Flower Business

Retail floral is different, and florists can't settle for any website. They need a flower shop website that was designed and built for the flower business.
  Retail floral is different, and florists can't settle for any website. They need a flower shop website that was designed and built for the flower business.   It's not…

Sure Your Flower Shop Website Works The Way You Think?

Too many florists believe they have responsive websites that work well from mobile devices but don't. Mobile is vital & you need to know what to look for.
  Too many florists believe they have responsive websites that work well from mobile devices but don't. Mobile is vital & you need to know what to look for.   At SAF Retail…

The Support of a Strong Industry Association is Fantastic

It's great to work in an industry that has a trade association like the Society of American Florists looking out for the well being of its members.
  It's great to work in an industry that has a trade association like the Society of American Florists looking out for the well being of its members.   SAF does a lot of…

Credit Card Surcharges Are a Dangerous Idea For Florists

Credit card surcharging (the practice of adding a surcharge or checkout fee to credit/debit card payments) is now allowed. Is it a good idea for florists?
  Credit card surcharging (the practice of adding a surcharge or checkout fee to credit/debit card payments) is now allowed in North America. But is it a good idea for retail…

EMV Payment Technology - The Implications for Retail Florists

The retail floral industry is a different kind of retail, & the implications of the EMV payment standard (and October deadline) are different for florists.
  The retail floral industry is a very different kind of retail, and the implications of the EMV payment standard (and October deadline) are different for florists.  …

What Is An eCommerce Website Really For?

Understanding the primary function of an eCommerce website is the first step towards better eCommerce performance (more sales, less abandoned carts, etc.)
  Understanding the primary function of an eCommerce website is the first step towards better eCommerce performance. Better performance means more sales, less abandoned carts,…

Avoiding and Dealing With Credit Card Declines

Understanding the merchant side of a credit card payment can help avoid declines and deal with them efficiently when they do happen.
  Understanding the merchant side of a credit card payment can help avoid declines and deal with them efficiently when they do happen.   I work with retailers (florists)…

Mother's Day (Observed)

If you work in retail floral it's impossible to properly celebrate Mother's Day on the actual date, hence the introduction of Mother's Day (Observed).
  If you work in retail floral it's impossible to properly celebrate Mother's Day on the actual date, hence the introduction of Mother's Day (Observed).   Growers and…

Florists and Restaurants: More in Common Than You Think

The flower business has much in common with the restaurant business (often more than with other retail) and florists can benefit from foodservice research.
  The flower business has much in common with the restaurant business (often more than with other retail) and florists can benefit from foodservice research.   The…

Everybody Else Should Trust The Experts

Why is it so hard to follow the advice we give to others about trusting experts and letting them do their jobs?
  Why is it so hard to follow the advice we give to others about trusting experts and letting them do their jobs?   I work with florists. Those florists mostly work with…

Two Small Business Social Media Mistakes

Some social media mistakes that small businesses make are obvious even to one of the few people that doesn't claim to be an expert on the subject.
  Some social media mistakes that small businesses make are obvious even to one of the few people that doesn't claim to be an expert on the subject.   It seems like almost…

Real Solutions vs Solutions in Search of Problems

How Epic Flowers focusses on finding powerful solutions to real problems in floral ecommerce rather than solving problems that don’t exist.
  How Epic Flowers focusses on finding powerful solutions to real problems in floral ecommerce rather than solving problems that don’t exist. Brandon Kirkland of Epic Flowers…

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